Covid-19 Italian Regions Dataset

In this section you can navigate into most rich dataset about covid-19 italian regions live stats.

Usage Notes (EN)

Data can be organized by day or by region: group by date for display daily distribution of data at national and / or regional level. Grouping by region (and possibly filtering on a specific area) you can display trends over time of the data for each territory.

The table is highly customizable interactively, for example by changing groupings, sorts, filtering data and deciding which columns to show or hide. It is also possible to export the entire dataset.

Data available are:

  1. Daily New Cases
  2. Tot. Cases
  3. Actual Cases
  4. Var. Actual Cases
  5. Actual in Home Insulation
  6. Var. Actual in Home Insulation
  7. Actual Hospitalized
  8. Var. Actual Hospitalized
  9. Actual Hosp. in Intensive Care
  10. Var. Actual Hosp. in Intensive Care
  11. Actual Hosp. with Symptoms
  12. Var. Actual Hosp. with Symptoms
  13. Tot. Cases from Diagnostic Suspect Sysmptoms
  14. Daily New Cases from Diagnostic Suspect Sysmptoms
  15. Tot. Cases from Screening
  16. Daily New Cases from Screening
  17. Tot. Recovered
  18. Daily Recovered
  19. Daily Deaths, Tot. Tested Cases
  20. Daily New Tested Cases
  21. Tot. Tests
  22. Daily New Tests
  23. Daily Positives per Tests
Return to Table

The project is mainly based on open data published by Italian Civic Protection.

