e-Globus Cover

Meteo Data

This section contains maps and meteorological information.

Show Meteo Radar Map based on data published by ARPAE Emilia Romagna in open format with a Creative Commons Attribution.  Data are updated every 5-10 minutes.

This Globus shows:

  • |___| Light rain (blue)
  • |___| Moderate rain (green)
  • |___| Heavy rain (yellow)
  • |___| Very Heavy rain (red)
  • |___| Violent Rain (purple)

Show Hydrometric Levels based on data published by ARPAE Emilia Romagna in open format with a Creative Commons Attribution.  Data are updated every 1-2 hours.

You can double-click over a Station to watch a detailed graph with Level Trends.

Show Meteo Radar Map with a unique 3D based on data published by ARPAE Emilia Romagna in open format with a Creative Commons Attribution.  Data are updated every 5-10 minutes. Note: This map represents the first attempt in the world to provide a 3D rainfall visualization of the data!

You can choose between two different palettes:

  • |___| Light rain
  • |___| Moderate rain
  • |___| Heavy rain
  • |___| Very Heavy rain
  • |___| Violent Rain
  • |___| Light rain (blue)
  • |___| Moderate rain (green)
  • |___| Heavy rain (yellow)
  • |___| Very Heavy rain (red)
  • |___| Violent Rain (purple)
Browsing Suggestions

You can rotate the globe with the mouse, zoom in or out using the mouse. To move the viewing plane, use the mouse while holding down the right button or the "shift" key. The "Home" button on the toolbar restores the default display.

From the "Dataset" menu present in the toolbar you can modify the data represented on the map. You can also change the type of representation of the territory by modifying the server that provides the basic cartography from the "Carto" menu.

Owners and Contributors

e-Globus is owned and managed by e-Soft: we are constantly working to develope new solutions for providing analytical data and predictive analysis concerning our terrestial globe.
e-Globus is mainly based on open source software, including a special thanks to the authors of these projects: jQuery, Bootstrap, OpenGlobus (Copyright (C) 2013 Michael Gevlich), WebGL.